Hesburguer es un restaurante de comida rápida similar al McDonald's y al Burguer King. Se caracteriza por no encontrarse en todos los países. Mi familia estuvo durante dos días aquí en Finlandia, les acompañé a comer a Hesburger pues en España no hay. De echo el Hesburger más cercano desde mi casa allí en España está en Alemania, es de locos.
En opinión personal, la cual comparto con mi familia, Hesburger está muchísimo mejor que otros restaurantes similares, tienen una salsa especial que en verdad está deliciosa.
Hesburguer is a fast food restaurant similar to McDonald's and Burger King. It is characterized by not being found in all countries. My family was here for two days in Finland, I accompanied them to eat at Hesburger, because in Spain there is not. In fact the closest Hesburger from my house there in Spain is in Germany, it's crazy.
In personal opinion, which I share with my family, Hesburger is much better than other similar restaurants, they have a special sauce that is really delicious.
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